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Choosing a logistics partner is one of the most important components of your business success. Let's say you are the owner of an online shop, but the logistics routine has started to take up a lot of time and you have almost no resource left for business development. You can free up your time by outsourcing your shipping to professionals.
Who to choose - 3PL or 4PL operator? Tips and recommendations
This Sargona blog article is primarily aimed at logistics managers or other types of companies that have a logistics department. Here you will find proven strategies to help you earn more from logistics, improve customer service and make your business niche dominant.
How to earn more with logistics
Optimising your logistics processes is one of the most important factors in increasing your profits. In Sargona's blog, we'll talk about six ways you can actually reduce shipping costs and make your business more profitable.
Six ways to cut logistics costs
A broker is a legal entity that represents your interests to Customs. On the basis of the documents you provide, he or she will lodge a declaration with Customs, respond to Customs enquiries and release your goods for free circulation in the country where you are doing business. The broker will also advise you on all the nuances of declaring goods and provide you with the calculation of customs duties. In addition, if the company is exporting, the broker will help to organise the correct and legal export of goods from the country.
What is a customs broker and why do you need one?
In Sargona's logistics company blog we talk about the difference between the professions of dispatcher, forwarder and logistician. In particular, we will talk about functional responsibilities and key performance indicators.
Logistician, Forwarder and Dispatcher. What are the differences between these jobs?
It all starts with finding cargo. This is done on a special marketplace where you can find an up-to-date list of what you need to transport. You can sort the cargo according to the parameters you need. It is nice to check if the goods have all the necessary documents.

Once you have found the cargo, the negotiation phase begins. On the other side of the screen or phone is the person who has the cargo. Since you are in the market, there is a negotiation process. It usually does not take long at all. If the customer has special requirements, the process can take longer.
Shipping stages: from finding the cargo to receiving the money
A transport logistics automation system is a key tool to facilitate the task of optimising a company's operations and the entire supply chain. TMS is a solution for those who need to optimise the daily distribution of requests and monitor the efficiency of fleet utilisation. The system allows you to obtain real-time data on each vehicle and analyse the efficiency of its use, automate manual operations, simplify the processing of orders, control the execution of requests, compliance with the route, etc.
TMS implementation: selection criteria, implementation stages, results
Logistics is a field that requires a high level of analytical skills. A logistician must be able to analyse data, forecast demand, determine the best routes and choose the best solutions for the company.

A logistician is an administrator, he must always know where the goods are. He thinks of ways and means of transport, from packing and loading in the warehouse to delivery to the customer. Experience and personal qualities are important in his work. In principle, he acts according to instructions, but in the event of a disruption in the work process (failure to meet deadlines, breakdown of transport, unfair work by suppliers or employees), the logistician must quickly find a way out of the situation.
Trucking. What a logistician needs to know and be able to do
Warehouse logistics is the link between the manufacturer and the end consumer. It is the technology used to manage the warehouse operations required to ensure that the required goods are available, do not spoil or become obsolete, and are quickly delivered to the warehouse and shipped to the consumer.
Warehouse logistics automation: where robots are replacing humans
What promotion strategies do famous companies choose? How do you enter the market if your offer is not unique and your competitors are breathing down your neck? Either the best, or the most creative come out ahead. Those who are not afraid to try new things. Unique, unusual, memorable.

For a business not to become an overnight experience, it must evolve. Even a small business looks for ways to stand out. It comes up with its own "thing" to be remembered by the customer. It can be anything: a name, a special presentation of advertising, a style of placing an order, a non-standard website.
Marketing Lessons. Promotion strategies of famous companies
Account-based marketing focuses on specific companies or key accounts. The ABM strategy focuses on selling and promoting to a narrowly targeted, most often B2B, audience.

In other words, ABM works with quality rather than quantity. And it starts at the other end of the sales funnel, i.e. at its base. The ABM strategy focuses on companies that could become ideal customers. For example, by tracking website visitors or researching potential customers, creating content and developing marketing campaigns specifically for certain businesses and companies.
Why is it more interesting to build yourself or give away for building than to buy a ready-made property?
Property in Greece starts at 250,000 euros, but if we talk about decent luxury and premium options, prices start at 400,000 euros. Those who are able to purchase such properties and plan to live or holiday in Greece expect a certain amount of comfort and, as a rule, are not limited to the minimum cost of the property. Having analysed dozens of transactions SARGONA PRIVATE CAPITAL can confirm that for many of our clients and wealthy individuals the more interesting option is self-build or rent-to-own. This allows all wishes to be taken into account.
Ready to buy a house? But maybe it's more profitable to build one yourself...
In 1544, Henry VIII of England undertook the Great Debasement of the ever-reliable British silver penny. The silver content in the coin began to be only 25%, compared to the old 92.5%. In other words, it began to take about 3.7 times more pennies to buy an ounce of silver than before. It is obvious that prices in Britain soon rose by about three times.
Henry did not invent anything new. The Romans at one time devalued denarius, which led to the price of wheat rising two million times. Central banks today are essentially doing the same thing, but in the digital age. Benchmark in the Bretton Woods era $35 an ounce. Now this figure has decreased by about 50:1. To buy one ounce of gold, you will now need about fifty times more dollars.
Fixing inflation is easy, but no one talks about it
Above 830 units, the General Index returned to the Athens Stock Exchange and to the highest levels since June 24, thanks to the outperformance of banking stocks, as well as the support of selected blue chips. The domestic market was also boosted by the positive climate in Europe, at a time when investors were focusing on the Fed meeting.
In more detail, as far as the statistics of yesterday's meeting are concerned, the General Index registered a gain of 0.67% and closed at 834.85 points, while the turnover amounted to 41.04 million euros. According to Depolas Investment Services, the upward limit for the A.A. estimated in the region of 850-860 units at the present stage.
Banks and the stock market
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